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Linear Dynamic Systems and Signals

Linear Dynamic Systems and Signals

by Zoran Gajic, 646 pages, Prentice Hall, 2003

Front&Back Covers (pdf file)

Primary textbook at 52 universities (21 U.S. schools) and a recommended textbook at 28 universities

Preface (ps file) (pdf file)

Contents (ps file) (pdf file)

Errata List for the First and Second Printings (errors corrected in the 3rd printing coming in 2005) (ps file) (pdf file)

MATLAB Programs MATLAB Experiments MATLAB Numerical Data

Systems & Signals LINKS

Systems & Signals TABLES

LDS&S Newsletter 2003 (pdf file) LDS&S Newsletter 2004 (pdf file) LDS&S Newsletter 2005 (pdf file)

Sample Exams (pdf file) Solutions to Sample Exams (pdf file) (pdf file) (pdf file)


Professor Gajic's Syllabi: Linear Systems and Signals Course 332: 345 (pdf) and Linear Systems and Signals Lab 332:347 (pdf)

This book was translated into the Chinese Simplified language and published in October 2004 by Pearson Education North Asia Ltd and
Xi'an Jiaotong University Press in the Series Foreign Famous and Newest Textbook Collections

Link to Prentice Hall database

Please send all questions and comments to:

Solutions Manual, Solutions to MATLAB Laboratory Experiments, PowerPoint ppt-Slides,
pdf-Transparences, and MATLAB/Simulink Programs

Instructors can order the SOLUTIONS MANUAL (491 problems, 311 pages, ISBN 0130191205) and the
SOLUTIONS TO MATLAB LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS (16 experiments, 119 pages) directly from the
publisher or request their electronic pdf files by sending email to Professor Zoran Gajic at gajic@ece.rutgers.edu.
The POWER POINT SLIDES (ppt files, 1005 pages) and the pdf files of the TEXTBOOK PDF-TRANSPARENCIES
(1005 pages) can be downloaded by requesting the password and link information from Professor Zoran Gajic.
A CD with all the supplements and MATLAB/Simulink programs has been available since January 2004.

REMARK 1: Lab Preface, Experiment 3 (page 17), and Experiment 9 (page 97) were updated/corrected in January 2005.
REMARK 2: Solutions Manual Preface, and solutions to Problems 1.9, 4.13, 4.44b, 6.60, 4.62, 5.8c, 6.4, 8.3, 8.7
were updated/corrected in January 2005.
REMARK 3: Slides/Transparences for Fourier Transform, Fourier Series in Linear Systems Analysis, Laplace Transform,
Inverse Laplace Transform, and Inverse Z-Transform were updated/corrected in January 2005.
REMARK 4: Six Sample Exams with complete solutions to all sample exams were posted in January 2005.

NEW CD-2005: In addition to the corrections indicated in Remarks 1-3, the new CD contains Sample Exams with Solutions,
Problem Figures, and NewsLetter with Featured Topics. The new CD has been available since February 2005.

REMARK 5: Solutions to Problems 1.6, 2.30, 3.20, 3.23, 4.28, 5.11, 6.4, 7.14, and 7.25.
were slightly updated/corrected on August 27th 2006.

Please send all questions and comments to:
Last updated: September 10, 2012

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