Optimal control and filtering of linear large scale systems with slow and fast modes (aircrafts, power systems, robots, nuclear reactors, vehicles, chemical reactors).
Linear stochastic estimation and control of aircrafts under wind disturbances.
Decentralized control, output feedback control, and differential game type control problems of dynamic systems described by linear deterministic and stochastic differential equations (linearized models of economical, aerospace, hydrological, and highway systems).
Numerical and analytical properties of the algebraic, differential, and difference Lyapunov and Riccati equations.
Optimal control and filtering of deterministic and stochastic weakly coupled systems (flexible space structures, power systems, chemical reactors).
Parallel algorithms and distributed computations for control systems.
Jump parameter linear stochastic systems and Markov chains.
Control of bilinear systems (biological systems, mechanical systems, nuclear reactors).
Signal processing (digital filters and Kalman filtering).
Differential games type approach to H-infinity control problems and solution of the coupled algebraic Riccati equations.
Nash, Pareto, and Stackleberg static and dynamic games..
Linear stochastic systems with state- and control-dependent disturbances.
Extended Kalman filtering.
Power control in wireless CDMA communication networks.
Optical networks, EDFA and Raman amplifiers.
Congestion control in ATM networks.
Modeling and control of PEM and SOFC fuel cells.
Modeling and control of processes in solar cells.
Modeling and control of power electronics circuits.
Please send all questions and comments to: gajic@ece.rutgers.edu
Last updated: November 3, 2013