VISION: Resources for Community
Dr. Hassan's laboratory envisions to leverage the research and educational activities performed in laboratory and classroom to develop multi-faceted educational resources that will be shared with the broader community. These educational resources will have a direct impact outside of Dr. Hassan’s research group to the scientific community and public in general. These resources can be found here.

Educational Videos & Topic Lectures

Computational Models & Simulations

Data Resources (Experimental & Theoretical)

Publications & Students Dissertations
Educational Videos & Topic Lectures
Instructional videos of scientific concepts & laboratory practices of electrical engineering and biosensors will be shared with broader community. This may include classroom lecture recordings and other general laboratory techniques commonly employed for experimentation.1. Lectures for Electronic Devices course. This includes topics related to op-amps, diodes, MOSFETs, BJTs, Transistor amplifiers. Content details and the lecture recordings can be found here. Link
Computational Models & Simulations
Machine learning based computational models, signal processing algorithms, and sensors simulations will be shared with broader community.Data Resources (Experimental & Theoretical)
Experimental data generated will be shared which can be used to develop ML models and secondary data analytics. Some of the data is available for public use. Some data may require prior approval due to institutional policies.1. Data set of images acquired for Microparticles. Data and other details can be found here. Link.