Sheng Wei

     Sheng Wei
   Associate Professor
   Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
   Rutgers University - New Brunswick

   CoRE 508, Busch Campus

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I am an Associate Professor in the ECE Department at Rutgers University. Previously, I had been an Assistant Professor in the CSE Department at University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) and a Research Scientist at Adobe Research. I obtained my PhD in CS from University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in 2013, under the supervision of Prof. Miodrag Potkonjak. My research mainly focuses on hardware security and multimedia systems, especially on improving the security of heterogeneous system architectures and the performance, power, and security of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) systems. I am a recipient of the NSF CAREER Award in 2018. My research has been recognized with Best Paper Awards at MMSys 2020 and ICCD 2016, and Best Paper Nominations at HOST 2018, MM 2016, and DAC 2014.

04/2024 Our paper "DM-TEE: Trusted Execution Environment for Disaggregated Memory" has been accepted to GLSVLSI 2024. Congratulations to Ke Xia!
10/2023 Our paper "Power Efficient Mobile VTuber Live Streaming" has been accepted to MMAsia 2023. Congratulations to Zichen and our collaborators!
09/2023 Our paper "DF-TEE: Trusted Execution Environment for Disaggregated Multi-FPGA Cloud Systems" has been accepted to AsianHOST 2023. Congratulations to Ke Xia!
04/2023 Our paper "Security-Preserving Live 3D Video Surveillance" has been accepted to MMSys 2023. Congratulations to Zhongze and our collaborators!
05/2022 Dr. Wei received the 2021-2022 Engineering Governing Council (EGC) Professor of the Year Award in the Rutgers ECE Department. [Announcement]
04/2022 Our paper "Power-Efficient Live Virtual Reality Streaming Using Edge Offloading" has been accepted to NOSSDAV 2022. Congratulations to Zichen, Xianglong, Zhongze, and our collaborators!
03/2022 Our paper "Visual Privacy Protection in Mobile Image Recognition Using Protective Perturbation" has been accepted to MMSys 2022. Congratulations to Mengmei, Zhongze, and our collaborators!
08/2021 Xianglong Feng graduated with PhD and joined Miami University as a tenure-track Assistant Professor. Congratulations to Xianglong!
07/2021 Our paper "Fake Gradient: A Security and Privacy Protection Framework for DNN-based Image Classification" has been accepted to MM 2021. Congratulations to Xianglong and our collaborators!
06/2021 Mengmei Ye graduated with PhD and joined IBM T.J. Watson Research Center as a Research Staff Member. Congratulations to Mengmei!
04/2021 Our paper "LiveROI: Region of Interest Analysis for Viewport Prediction in Live Mobile Virtual Reality Streaming" has been accepted to MMSys 2021. Congratulations to Xianglong and Weitian!
02/2021 Our paper "SGX-FPGA: Trusted Execution Environment for CPU-FPGA Heterogeneous Architecture" has been accepted to DAC 2021. Congratulations to Ke and our collaborators!
01/2021 Our paper "LiveObj: Object Semantics-based Viewport Prediction for Live Mobile Virtual Reality Streaming" has been accepted to IEEE VR 2021 (Journal track, acceptance rate: 25/161 = 15.5%). Congratulations to Xianglong and Zeyang!
10/2020 Our paper "HybridTEE: Secure Mobile DNN Execution Using Hybrid Trusted Execution Environment" has been accepted to AsianHOST 2020. Congratulations to Akshay and Mengmei!
07/2020 Our paper "VVSec: Securing Volumetric Video Streaming via Benign Use of Adversarial Perturbation" has been accepted to ACM MM 2020. Congratulations to Zhongze and our collaborators!
06/2020 Our QuRate paper received the Best Paper Award, as well as the DASH-IF Excellence in DASH Award (3rd place), at MMSys'20. Congratulations to Nan and our collaborators!
03/2020 Our paper "QuRate: Power-Efficient Mobile Immersive Video Streaming" has been accepted to ACM MMSys 2020. Congratulations to Nan and our collaborators!
02/2020 Our paper "LiveDeep: Online Viewport Prediction for Live Virtual Reality Streaming Using Lifelong Deep Learning" has been accepted to IEEE VR 2020. Congratulations to Xianglong and our collaborators!
09/2019 Our paper "Runtime Hardware Security Verification Using Approximate Computing: A Case Study on Video Motion Detection" has been accepted to AsianHOST 2019. Congratulations to Mengmei and Xianglong!
08/2019 Our NSF grant on viewport prediction for live virtual reality streaming has been awarded. Project abstract can be found on the NSF award page here. Many thanks to our collaborators Dr. Yanzhi Wang (Northeastern University) and Dr. Yan Yan (Texas State University) for jointly making this achievement possible.
05/2019 Mengmei Ye wins "Samsung Breakthroughs That Matter" award at the MIT Hacking Medicine Grand Hack 2019. Read the story here.
05/2019 The Capstone team under my supervision wins the 4th place in Rutgers ECE Capstone Design 2019, based on the project "RU Recycle: A Smart Self-Sorting Trash Can Using Deep Neural Network". Congratulations to Umama Ahmed, Steven Coulter, Jake Rodin, and Yiwen Zhou!
Details about the project: [Abstract] [Poster] [Video]
04/2019 Our LiveMotion paper was accepted to Ubicomp 2019 (IMWUT June 2019 Issue). Congratulations to Xianglong! The paper and other resources for the LiveMotion project can be found in the github repo: [LiveMotion]
09/2018 I joined the ECE Department at Rutgers University as an Assistant Professor.
06/2018 Our HISA paper was accepted to ICCAD 2018 (acceptance rate 98/396 = 24.7%). Congratulations to Mengmei and Xianglong! The paper and other resources for the HISA project can be found in the github repo: [HISA]
03/2018 I received NSF CAREER Award under the NSF Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) Program, with project titled "CAREER: Towards the Security of Heterogeneous CPU-FPGA Systems".
02/2018 We received a gift fund of $5,000 from Adobe Research to support our research activities.
02/2018 Our HOST 2018 paper received a Best Paper Nomination!
01/2018 Mengmei Ye and Jonathan Sherman's TZSlicer paper was accepted to HOST 2018 as a full paper (acceptance rate 17/84 = 20.2%). Congratulations to Mengmei and Jonathan! The paper and other resources for the TZSlicer project can be found in the github repo: [TZSlicer]