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RU ENG ECE 14:332:231     –     Digital Logic Design

Fall 2013


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    →   Digital Logic Design Lab   –   14:332:233

Ivan Marsic
Office hours:   Tuesday  1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
( Appointments other than office hours should be requested by email. )
Room 711, CoRE Building
Phone: (848) 445-6399
URL: http://www.ece.rutgers.edu/~marsic/

  1. Mehrnaz Tavan
    Email: mt579@eden.rutgers.edu
    Office: EE-122   (Electrical Engineering Building)
    Phone: TBA
  2. Talal Ahmed
    Email: talal.ahmed@rutgers.edu
    Office: EE-122
    Phone: TBA
  3. Zahra Shakeri
    Email: zahra.shakeri@rutgers.edu
    Office: EE-122
    Phone: TBA
  4. Xianyi Gao
    Email: xg45@eden.rutgers.edu
    Office: EE-122
    Phone: TBA
Note: Different TA will hold office hours every week on Monday 3 – 5 p.m.  and on Friday 10 a.m. – 12 noon.

  1. Qiannan Li
    Email: ql77@eden.rutgers.edu
  2. Young Ho Lee
    Email: apple205@eden.rutgers.edu
To discuss grading issues, request a meeting by email.

Aastha Sinha
Email: aasthasinha87@gmail.com
available for tutoring in ARC-332 at the following hours:
      Tuesday 5–8 pm
      Thursday 5–8 pm
      Sunday 2–4 pm

Tuesday, Friday: 3 (12:00 – 1:20 p.m.) in SEC-111

Course Description:
Overall Educational Objective: The student will develop the ability to design both combinational and sequential digital logic circuits. He will learn to design with common library hardware components.
Course Learning Outcomes: A student who successfully fulfills the course requirements will have demonstrated an ability to:
1. Design combinational and sequential circuits using Boolean algebra.
2. Design combinational and sequential circuits using Karnaugh Maps.
3. Work with the various Complement Arithmetic Systems used for hardware arithmetic.
4. Understand elementary Boolean codes.
5. Work with the commonly encountered hardware library modules.
6. Design with Complex Programmable Logic, ROM, RAM, and Field-Programmable Gate Arrays.

14:332:221 - Principles of Electrical Engineering I   and   14:332:222 - Principles of Electrical Engineering II

Knowledge of a programming language, such as that acquired in 14:332:252 - Programming Methodology I, is desirable but not required.

John F. Wakerly: Digital Design: Principles and Practices, 4th Edition, Pearson / Prentice Hall, 2005.
ISBN-10: 0131733494
ISBN-13: 978-0131733497
Book information is available at: http://www.pearsonhighered.com/educator/product/Digital-Design-Principles-and-Practices/9780131863897.page
Amazon link: http://www.amazon.com/Digital-Design-Principles-Practices-Package/dp/0131733494
Check also the author’s website DDPP.com for student materials, supplementary sections, etc.

Grading: (subject to change)
Homework: 20 %
Random Quizzes:     10 %
Midterm Exam 1: 20%
Midterm Exam 2: 20%
Final exam: 30%
All exams are closed book. Electronic devices (such as laptops, calculators, or cellphones) ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE USED DURING EXAMS.
Please do not inquire about exceptions, because none will be allowed.
No discussion is allowed among the students during the exam. Such students shall be asked to leave the classroom.

Statute of limitations policy: You have one week after the day each homework or examination is returned to you to ask for a grade change. Grades will be changed only during this week and only if:
    (a) We added up your score wrong.
    (b) We made an error in grading a particular problem.
At the end of the term, we will not argue about points on the homeworks or on the exams.

If you are ill on the date of an examination, or if you must be away, please notify the professor before the examination, if possible, or at least as early as possible. Medical or employer interview slips for absences from the examination are required if you were ill or unavoidably absent.

Collaboration / Academic Integrity:
It is acceptable to discuss with others possible general approaches to problems. It is not acceptable to work together on a detailed solution, to copy a solution, or to give away a solution. Such instances of academic dishonesty will result in the following.
  1. We will not consider unspecific and general complaints about copying of homework or exam solutions. Students are mature adults and should refrain from engaging in such dishonest activity.
    We cannot just “do something.” To take action, we need specific information: who did what.
  2. In cases where we have reasonable evidence to suspect that students worked together on a detailed solution or copied a solution, the following shall apply:
    1. If we are not able to distinguish the original solution from a copy, all the suspect students will be given zero (0) credit.
    2. If we are able to distinguish the original solution and a copy, the student with the original solution will be given zero (0) credit, and the copier shall not be penalized. This is designed so to discourage students from giving away their solution.
    3. If a student claims not to have originated the solution but copied one and provides the name of the student from whom the solution was copied, the student with the original solution will be given zero credit, and the copier will be given the full credit (as graded).
Students are expected to familiarize themselves with and adhere to the
University Policy on Academic Integrity.

Students with Special Needs:
The University policy states that:
“It is the student’s responsibility to confirm with the course supervisor that all arrangements are in place well in advance of the scheduled date of the exam.”

If the student fails to make arrangements before the exams, we may not be able to accomodate the last-moment requests.

See also: Office of Disability Services at Rutgers.

Constructive suggestions from students about this course will be greatly appreciated. Email us your suggestions and concerns on how to improve quality of the course and fairness of the grading process.

Page Created: Sep 4, 2013      
Last Modified:  Thu Oct 17 13:25:30 EDT 2013 
Maintained by: Ivan Marsic