RU ENG ECE 14:332:423: Computer and Communication Networks

Lecture Schedule—subject to change

Make every effort to form your project team (no more than 3 students) before September 14, 2012 and notify the instructor by email, listing the team members and their emails. After this date, the students without a team will be randomly assigned a team.

Wireshark Projects
ItemDue date
    1.   WS Project 1       September 18  
    2.   WS Project 2       October 2
    3.   WS Project 3       October 26
TCP Project Deliverables
ItemDue date
  1.   Software design     October 19
  2.   Software demo   November 30  
  3.   Final report   December 4

Note 1: The section numbers marked in red letterfont refer to the course textbook — Lecture Notes. These are the reading assignments for each lecture.

Note 2: Some materials in the textbook will not be reviewed in the class, but are important for understanding other materials and may appear in the exams.
They are indicated in the syllabus below for the student to read on their own. (They are included in the reading assignments.)

    4 (T)  Introduction      (Section 1.1)
    7 (F)  Communication Protocols   (Section 1.1.4)
           Read on your own: Sections 1.3.1 (Stop-and-Wait) and 1.3.2 (Sliding-Window Protocols)
   11 (T)  Broadcast Links and ALOHA (Section 1.3.3 - Part 1)
   14 (F)  CSMA/CD and CSMA/CA       (Section 1.3.3 - Part 2)
   18 (T)  Internetworking and IP    (Section 1.4.1)              [ Wireshark Project 1 due ]
           Read on your own: Sections 1.4.2 (Link State Routing) and 1.4.3 (Distance Vector Routing)
   21 (F)  Addressing and CIDR       (Section 1.4.4)
   25 (T)  Autonomous Systems        (Section 1.4.5)
           Read on your own: Section 1.5.1 (Point-to-Point Protocol - PPP)
   28 (F)  Ethernet (IEEE 802.3)     (Section 1.5.2)

    2 (T)  Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11)       (Section 1.5.3)              [ Wireshark Project 2 due ]
    5 (F)  TCP Intro                 (Section 2.1)
    9 (T)  Congestion Control in TCP (Section 2.2 up to 2.2.2 included)
   12 (F)  TCP NewReno              (Section 2.2.3)
   16 (T)  TCP in Wireless Networks (Section 2.5)
   19 (F)  Multimedia Networking    (Sections 3.1 and 3.3.1)
   23 (T)  RTP and RTCP             (Section 3.4)
   26 (F)  Multicast Routing        (Section 3.3.2)               [ Wireshark Project 3 due ]
   30 (T)  Integrated and Differentiated Services (Sections 3.3.4 and 3.3.5)

    2 (F)  Packet Switching in Routers (Section 4.1 to 4.1.5)
    6 (T)  ******* MIDTERM EXAM *******  download example exam here
            Sample Fall 2004 final exam
    9 (F)  Queuing Intro               (Section 4.1.5 up to 4.2.1 included)
   13 (T)  Scheduling                  (Sections 5.1 and 5.2)
   16 (F)  Active Queue Management     (Section 5.3)
   21 (W)  
        (Changes in Designation of Class Days: Tue Nov 20 <- Thursday Classes; Wed Nov 21 <- Friday Classes)
        (Thanksgiving Recess: Thu Nov 22 - Sun Nov 25)
   27 (T)  MPLS - Architecture & LDPs        (Section 5.4 up to 5.4.2)
   30 (F)  ******* PROJECT PRESENTATION *******

    4 (T)  MPLS - Traffic Engineering & VPNs (Section 5.4 remainder)
    7 (F)  Network Security - 1              (Chapter 7)
   11 (T)  Network Security - 2
        (Regular Classes End: Wed Dec 12 || Fall Exams End: Fri Dec 21)

   21 (F)  ******* FINAL EXAM *******
                Time      8 - 11 a.m.
                Location  BME-116

Ivan Marsic
Created: August 27, 1997
Modified: Thu Sep 6 12:49:29 EDT 2012