Project demo will take place on Friday, November 18, 2011. The demo will be held during the class period 2
(10:20 - 11:40 a.m.) in BME-116. There are 10 project groups, so each demo shall last no more than
10 min. Because time is tight, I will have to interrupt
any group that exceeds their allocated period.
If you have preferences regarding the order of
presentation, please send ASAP an email to schedule your
demo. The time slots will be allocated in
the first-asked-first-served order.
All team members should be present. I will
assume that the absent students were not involved in the project work.
The students who cannot make it should send email before the
demo, with the reason for absence explained. If you cannot make it, brief your teammates so they can present your work and answer related questions. The demo should include:
- Few (2 - 3) slides to introduce your project
- Live demonstration of your program
- Slide presentation of different charts obtained by running your
software with different input parameters (see the statement of your
programming assignment in the textbook as
to what charts to prepare).
Important note: In order to go as fast as possible,
I will have all your slides on my computer, so we can avoid
wasting time while switching the computers.
You should email me your slides no later than Thursday,
November 14th, by 7:00 PM.
Otherwise, you will not be able to present.
You also need to bring your own computer for a live demonstration
of your program. To save time, you will not connect your computer
to the projector but show the demo quickly on your screen.
Please bring a printed copy of your slides for the
Note: Do not prepare any report for the demo; the reports are due as stated in the following item.
After the demo, all groups should declare for each student the percentage contribution to the demo (send me an email
after the demo).