Salim El Rouayheb – SoftwareCompetition: IDASH Privacy and Security workshop 2018Competition TaskFor this competition, we were tasked with storing acess logs to a server using Multichain. In the competetion, 4 nodes, each represented by a different Virtual Machine, upload their access files simultaneously. Afterwards, each node must be able to search activity from all 4 nodes. More information about the task can be found on the workshop's website. Our SolutionTo reduce the search time in our solution, we decided to create multiple chains for each node, rather than storing all of our data on a single chain. This results in shorter chains and faster searches. The code is available on GitHub and here. Guess & Check Codes for Deletions, Insertions, and SynchronizationTry Guess & Check Codes Online using Jupyter Notebook in 3 Simple Steps
GitHub RepositoryThe C++ and Python codes are available on GitHub: Publications
Index Coding and Network Coding via Rank MinimizationMatlab code and tutorial The Matlab code above implements various rank minimization methods (Alternating Projections, Directional Alternating Projections, etc.) to construct index codes and network codes as described in the paper below. The code also includes a graphical user interface for drawing a network and finding a scalar linear network code for it.
Software Library for Distributed Storage Systems This repository consists of codes which help generate the current state of the ‘storage versus repair-bandwidth tradeoff curves’ for exact-repairable regenerating codes for distributed storage systems based on the work of the paper below.