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Endpoint - Class in sime
This class implements a simple TCP endpoint that is composed of sender and receiver objects.
Endpoint(Simulator, String, Endpoint, String, int) - Constructor for class sime.Endpoint
enqueueNewPacket(ArrayList<Packet>, double[], Packet) - Method in class sime.Link
Helper method to enqueue a new packet into one of the lists and calculate its delay on the link.
estimatedRTT - Variable in class sime.tcp.RTOEstimator
Current estimated RTT value (in simulator clock ticks)
(shifted by RTOEstimator.alphaShift)
estimatedRTT_init - Variable in class sime.tcp.RTOEstimator
Initial value of estimated RTT (in simulator clock ticks) (multiplied by "alpha" RTOEstimator.alphaShift)