14:332:452            Software Engineering

In-class Quizzes

At the start of each class (except the first two), we will conduct short quizzes to gauge student understanding of the class material. These are standard paper and pencil quizzes where students are given a simple software engineering problem to solve using the knowledge from the preceding lecture. Unlike team projects, the quizzes promote individual preparation and indicate what every student must know in order to engage in class assignments.
Also see: Five reasons to embrace the class quiz, according to cognitive science.

1.1  Quiz Policies

Important policies:

Special needs students that need accommodation of extra quiz time must in advance provide a letter from the Office of Disability Services for Students.

1.2  Quiz Preparation Materials

Class lecture notes:

Lecture slides:

1.3  Grading the Quizzes

The graders are provided with the instructor’s solutions as the starting point for grading each quiz. Because design problems are inherently open-ended and allow alternative valid solutions, the instructor’s solutions may not be complete or cover all possible alternative solutions. The graders are asked to use their knowledge, judgment and experience to judge the student answers. If a student’s solution makes sense it should be assigned a partial or full score, although it may be different than the instructor’s.

The quiz solutions will be graded using a star rating scale. We will count the number of valid arguments identified by each student and the “quality” of those arguments. The more valid arguments suggested, the higher the grade.
We will start the grading by creating several different bins where to pile the student solution worksheets as we review them. We will use the scale of up to three or five “stars”. Assuming that we decided to have three (3) bins total, then in this three-star scale:

A highly rated solution will meet these criteria: Initially, we will not assign any numeric points to the solutions, but will keep track of how well each solution meets the above criteria. At the same time, we will try to arrange the order of the solution worksheets within each bin, so that the best solution on a bin is at the top and the worst is at the bottom of this bin. When all solutions are reviewed, one more time we will review each bin separately and see if any final rearranging of the bin order is needed. Finally, we will assign numeric points to each solution on the star-rating scale.


Ivan Marsic
Sat Feb 4 16:44:00 EST 2017