Salim El Rouayheb

Salim's Picture 

Associate Professor
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Rutgers University
CoRE 717
Piscataway Township, NJ 08854

Phone: 848-445-9154

Coding and Securing Information (CSI) Lab

More information about our research at the CSI Lab can be found here.


Lab Members

Coding and Securing Information (CSI) Lab
Salim el Rouayheb
Salim El Rouayheb
Associate Professor
Zonghong Liu
Zonghong Liu
PhD student
Harris Ransom
Harris Ransom
Undergraduate student
William Lee
William Lee
Undergraduate student


Will be teaching ECE 312: Discrete Mathematics in Fall 2024.

Video Talks



  • April 2024: Our paper “Secure Distributed Matrix Multiplication with Precomputation” has been accepted to ISIT 2024.

  • April 2024: Our paper “The Entrapment Problem in Random Walk Decentralized Learning” has been accepted to ISIT 2024.

  • Mar 2024: Gave a talk on “Decentralized Learning Algorithms via Random Walks on Graphs” at DECAL Workshop at Clemson University.

Short Bio

Salim El Rouayheb is an associate professor in the ECE Department at Rutgers University. From 2013 to 2017, he was an assistant professor at the ECE Department at the Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago. He was a research scholar at the Electrical Engineering Department at Princeton University (2012-2013) and a postdoc at the EECS department at the University of California, Berkeley (2010-2011). He received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Texas A&M University, College Station, in 2009. In 2019, he was the Rutgers University Walter Tyson Junior Faculty Chair. He received the Google Faculty Award in 2018 and the NSF CAREER award in 2016. His research interests lie in the area of information-theoretic security and privacy of data in networks and distributed systems.

General Research Interests

  • Information theoretic security in distributed systems

  • Private information retrieval and search

  • Secure machine learning algorithms

  • Data synchronization in distributed systems

Selected Publications

  1. P. Kairouz, H. B. McMahan, B. Avent, A. Bellet, M. Bennis, A. N. Bhagoji, K. Bonawitz, Z. Charles, G. Cormode, R. Cummings, R. G.L. D'Oliveira, H. Eichner, S. El Rouayheb, D. Evans, J. Gardner, Z. Garrett, A. Gascón, B. Ghazi, P. B. Gibbons, M. Gruteser, Z. Harchaoui, C. He, L. He, Z. Huo, B. Hutchinson, J. Hsu, M. Jaggi, T. Javidi, G. Joshi, M. Khodak, J. Konecny, A. Korolova, F. Koushanfar, S. Koyejo, T. Lepoint, Y. Liu, P. Mittal, M. Mohri, R. Nock, A. Ozgur, R. Pagh, M. Raykova, H. Qi, D. Ramage, R. Raskar, D. Song, W. Song, S. U. Stich, Z. Sun, A. T. Suresh, F. Tramèr, P. Vepakomma, J. Wang, L. Xiong, Z. Xu, Q. Yang, F. X. Yu, H. Yu, S. Zhao, Advances and Open Problems in Federated Learning, Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning, Vol. 14, No. 1, July 2021.

  2. R. Bitar, M. Wootters, and S. El Rouayheb, Stochastic Gradient Coding for Straggler Mitigation in Distributed Learning, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory, Vol. 1, No. 1, May 2020.

  3. F. Ye, C. Naim and S. El Rouayheb, ON-OFF Privacy Against Correlation Over Time, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, January 2021.

  4. R.G.L. D'Oliveira, S. El Rouayheb, D. Karpuk, GASP Codes for Secure Distributed Matrix Multiplication, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 66, No. 7, July 2020.

  5. C. Naim, R. G. L. D'Oliveira, and S. El Rouayheb, Private Multi-Group Aggregation, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 40, No. 3, March 2022.

  6. F. Ye, H. Cho, S. El Rouayheb, Mechanisms For Hiding Sensitive Genotypes With Information-Theoretic Privacy, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2022.

  7. G. Ayache and S. El Rouayheb, Private Weighted Random Walk Stochastic Gradient Descent, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory, January 2021.

  8. R. Tajeddine, O. W. Gnilke, and S. El Rouayheb, Private Information Retrieval from MDS Coded Data in Distributed Storage Systems, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 64, No. 11, November 2018.

List of all publications

Shannon Channel

We are organizing the Shannon Channel on youtube. Recently we hosted talks on Coding and Optimization.

Workshop on Information Theory and Coding Theory with Applications to Data Security and Privacy

We co-organized a workshop on Information Theory and Coding Theory with Applications to Data Security and Privacy that was held at Institut Mittag-Leffler in Stockholm from May 15 to May 19, 2017.


Chicago Shannon Centennial

We co-organized the IEEE ITSOC Shannon Centennial Event that was held in Chicago on September 23, 2016.
